Daily 5 Rotations

Daily 5. Daily 5. Daily 5... I have really been anxious to organize the way I do Daily 5. I decided to start with how to organize the rotations.

Here is a picture of the PowerPoint I made for my "Rotation Organization" (Oh gosh I love making rhymes for the word "rotation"...I feel like it rhymes with everything). I this slide set up on a timer This 1st rotation shows for 15 minutes.

Once the 15 minutes are up, the students here the 'Chime' over the AppleTV and this screen shows up for 30 seconds. Trust me...having the timer is such a blessing!!!! no need to watch that clock ;) 

Now don't freak! No...you do not see "read to someone". This year I am going to incorporate buddy reading after lunch/recess. I think it'll be great for the sweeties to work with students outside of their Daily 5 groups.

I do 2 rotations of Daily 5 a day. So I have another slide (like the first one); and because I group my students according to levels, I just rotate the text boxes with their names in them. (Makes life easier!!)

My last slide has the students reflect on the focus and effort they put into their stations. We always regroup at the end and reflect.....and sometimes this is the perfect time to have a class meeting to review expectations. 

Getting sick of the pocket charts and interested in making your own? This video is brilliant. I hope you'll find it just as helpful!! 

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Book Bin Labels

Hey guys!!! OK my TpT site is up and running. I'm super excited. I have lots of fun ideas I'm thrilled to share, but I need to be honest. Posting things on TpT has been intimidating! I would NEVER want to infringe on someone's copyright or trademarks, but I also don't know how to make my own clip art yet....so I read everyone's TOUs super carefully and I am honored to give them credit. I just pulled things together, in hopes it will save you some time and be helpful in your classrooms. So thank you to all my creative clipart friends. Check out the download for their links!

Back to my TpT site. My first item is a free download for Book Bin Labels.

Some of you might find this cute and helpful, especially if your classroom as limited storage for books. So...I'm trying this new organization this year. I have crates from Walmart that I store my display books, or books I use for lessons/read alouds. Each crate, or bin, is organized by the different times of year (Back to School, Fall, Winter, Spring, End of the Year).  I plan to use these labels on the front of my crates.

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