
"Winter" Break

Winter break is here!! (although with no snow and 50 degree weather it hardly feels like winter in Chicago)  But now that we've had a few days to recover & breathe, I thought it'd be fun to share how room 14 got in the Christmas spirit and made it through the last week before break.

A huge THANK YOU to Erica Butler for creating such a fitting teaching resource. Click here to get your copy! This was one of our most exciting weeks so far.  Let met break it down a little farther :)

Monday - We introduced Polar Express Week by passing out boarding passes as the kiddos came to the rug. Nothing like a dramatic hook to get the students interested & excite about the week!!
     *file to adjective vs. Noun sort to come
     *files for this week's ELA resources to come 

Tuesday - Questions about what we were doing in science? This week we finished our unit on matter. As soon as I'm sick of teaching it, I know they're sick of learning it! So we jazzed it up by relating it to Olaf today. We sang "In Summer" and built our own winter/summer Olaf friends.
Wednesday - Continuing our Polar Express Week, but my friends are getting a little excited and I'm feeling run down.  *Special trick/tip* Play some Christmas instrumental jazz softly in the background & use those quiet critters! Simple reminders to stay calm (without using your voice) make all the difference.

Thursday - Hot chocolate parrrrtayyyy!! WhootWhoot! As we made our coco, we took photos and discussed our mixtures as reversible/irreversible. (*lesson plan to come) Take a look at our anchor chart.
                           *photo of anchor chart to come
After our hot chocolate party, all of 2nd grade got together to watch Polar Express in the library. When we returned to our classes....AHHH!!!!! Santa left us each a bell from his sleigh. As a thank you, we sang jingle bells zipped them up safely in our backpacks :)

Friday - Phew.... we did it!!! In addition to our Polar Express Friday, we had our class party. We have the most creative moms to help. We shoveled "snow" (marshmallows) into cups with "shovels" (chop sticks) and timed ourselves, played winter charades, but mostly had a blast!
Happy 1st day of WINTER!