

AHHH!! I'm so excited about my end of the year gift for the sweet seconds :) If you're anything like me, I read these cute ideas on Pinterest. I make lists about where to get the supplies, but when I get to the dollar spot at Target...they are sold out! Luckily this year I bought these buckets a few weeks in advance, with exactly 24 in stock (Phew). I'm also excited about these cute tags I made too!

Monday and Tuesday left to go....

(Graphics for the tags by Graphics from the Pond, Lovin Lit, and Teaching Super Power)

Race towards the End

Oh gosh! We are in the race towards the end of the school year, in room 14. With 3 days left, we have started to collect student texts, pass back all portfolios, clean/pack up the room.........

It has been such a cool experience to have my own classroom and students for the first time. I just adore the kids to pieces, but in all honesty, I'm ready for a second year. The list of things to change, update, and add is pages long!!! (Type A: perfectionist) I'm so excited and thankful for all that this year's students have taught me. I will forever love these students that God hand picked for me.

As the race towards the ends continues, I have tried to shift my thinking to crafting outside of my classroom. I made this wreath for mother's day and am pretty proud. Truth be told, I love wreathes. I think there are so many creative ideas out there and this one cost less than $15 :)

(idea from The Thrifty Couple)
hose - thrift store
ribbon & butterflies - Hobby Lobby
flowers & gloves - Dollar Tree
hose ends - Home Depot

Room Mom Gifts

Two posts in one day. I've been busy trying to stay creative, as an outlet from the end of year marathon. Tonight I drew up some thank you labels on PowerPoint. It's been such a whirlwind of excitement and busyness. It's time to appreciate all the volunteers and moms that have helped throughout the year.

 Here are my simple, but fun, items for their gift bags.


Alphabet Countdown

I can't believe the year is coming to an end so quickly! Today we counted down 8 days of school. This was an idea passed along to me from my mentor teacher. We used alphabet letters we found, enlarged them on word, and let the seconds do the rest :) These sweet seconds just love our alphabet countdown.

(I know! I know!! This picture was actually taken with 9 days left.)

Once we got to the 26 day mark, we started our alphabet countdown. Each student was given a letter of the alphabet. They came up with a phrase that begins with the letter and goes with the countdown theme. During our morning meeting/calendar time we add the letter for that day and recited the countdown from the beginning.

Being a teacher can be such a confidence boost!

The students LOVE this part of their morning. It's so sweet to see their excitement and just makes it that much harder to know they are leaving me!

Pilot Post

Well hey there! I'm so glad to start this blogging journey with you. I just love blogs, especially as a first year teacher. It's incredibly helpful to see pictures of centers, classroom setup, and to find inspiration. It can be really motivating! (So thank you!!)

As any teacher knows, time flies. The school year, winter break, summer break, and even the school day - it seems like there is never enough! My idea in starting "all these sweet SECONDS" is to reflect and appreciate all that happens in our short time. As the school year wraps up, I look forward to spending time reorganizing and creating plans for the upcoming school year. I'm really ready for the 2nd year.